Starting 30/9/09, I am leaving my house at harvard, perak back to my hometown..At the dai kat bus station, me, chin sian, ren li and li qing are sitting on the same bus getting back to Alor Star..hehe..this is very lucky o..After reach to Alor star, I straight take a taxi to Jetty for going home,langkawi. At Langkawi, got good thing and bad thing..hmm..Good thing is I taking my motor come to Perak here..this I happy de..others stay at my cousin house..go out also dunno do what thing..cause my all langkawi friend are studying not come back yet..just me alone..haiz..Bo bian not same timing..Then, I just at home watching astro and sleeping lo..And 1 thing is my cousin house there also cant online..Eventhough I taking my laptop back, but also cant online..haiz..At that time my brain just show 1 word..Boring!!!Hmm.. another good thing is my grandmother still healthy..Hope she can stay alive till more than 100 o...haha..
After 5days like that, about monday, 05/10/09, I changing my destiny from Langkawi to Kedah to find my father which is working at Alor Star there..which the place I studying Form 6 before.When I reaching to the Jetty at Alor Star there, there was a rainny day..Maybe the god is I have to wait for a while for waiting the rain become few...After 20min like that, the rain still down,but better le..So I am going to take my motor just beside the jetty..and then I straight find my father..Me and my father quite 5months din see together le...start from when I see him at his workplace, he is become thinner than before le..haiz..T.T..Then, my father take a rest bring me to o home 1st then he come back to work again..At the 1st day nite, my father bring me to eat "sao rou fan"....the rice are delicious, but quite expensive lo...If everyday eat like this sure pok kai lo..^^
Second day at Alor Star, I go walk walk around the Alor Star by my motor..but just 2 hours like that only then nothing to go le..sienz dao..stick at home also dunno do wat..haiz..jz kepting eat the mooncake at my father house there..Untill nite, my father back from work, den bring me to eat the curry rice which he promote de..the name of shop is "大街加哩饭" Hm..I feel ok only..but also eat till my whole head sweating..haha..they sell curry also expensive lo..After I eating the dinner, we still back to home, then read newspaper, then sleeping..This two days at Alor Star also sienz..but have a good thing also can live with my father..I got think that stay more day with him de..but thinking of some difficulties..So I had choosen to went back to Kampar instead staying at Alor Star.. My motor also sending back to Ipoh on the same day..
The next day which is wed, 07/10/09, I leaving my lovely my lovely father went to the Ipoh for taking my motor..无惊无险, I success arrive to Ipoh by taking Bus.Then, I straight take a taxi to the Poslaju station for taking my motor..Hmm..1 thing lucky is the Poslaju was not close so early.which at that time are already 4pm d..Then, I am taking my motor from the officer straight drive home from Ipoh to Kampar..When reaching Kampar, 1st day quite ok coz still got my friend which some are finish taking the MUET test some haven yet..So got them teman me..The next day, before they leave the Kampar, we still take a breakfast together..hehe...^^
On the same day, afternoon 3pm like that,my friend which still remain at Kampar invite me go to Cameron Highland..Then, without a proper plan,we just follow our mood,then we went to the Cameron highlands d...haha..when going to cameron highlands, it was a big raining..almost make Jcy cant see the road have to drive slowly..But hoo..luckily..that just for a while only..Then 1 again"无惊无险" , we success make it to the Cameron highlands..It was so fun to me..cause that was the 1st time I going to cameron highlands..So I am very excited..Haha..After reaching, we straight find motel or hotel, I also dunno..just know name..Oh ya..I remember Hotel Sentosa..Then, we straight go find a 火锅店 to eat huo guo and reduce our coldness.haha...
At the shop, we choose to use gas for our huo guo. Others customer using their shop or can be said is the whole cameron highlands Famous huo guo, 碳火锅. But the Famous huo guo more expensive..We four guys which are Jcy, cheng kit, seng ming and me..are playing with the chinese tea...Haha..At 1st I dunno de can make the smoke come out..but lastly we play..hehe..quite fun..then we eat many vege lo..cause they said is free we order 1 more plate of vege and two more plate of Mee..Hehe..almost wanna make the worker there remember us le..Lol..After pay the bill, it is worth lo..for me la..hehe..I think I will going to eat again..If got another chance lo..^^ Then, we walk walk around for digest..hehe..After we playing cards in the room for few hours then chating lo..Then we still got go KFC for our siu ye..haha..then sleeping..There was very cold till I dificult to sleep lo...hoo..
The next day morning, we check out le.Then, we went down the cameron highlands.During the went down, we got go visit many places which were the Boh Tea farm, many strawberry shop and cactus shop..hehe..After that, we straight went down to kampar le..Those Journey I want to thanks to them.cause for bringing me go to cameron highlands..for the 1st time..If not, I sure dunno how beautiful the cameron le..and the coldness of cameron..haha..very memorable..
After back from Cameron,my nightmare or boringness make it the highest point le..cause it just me alone and my house here was cant online..and my friend all went back to kl for holiday d..So just me at the westlake, kampar those few days I bought a rice cooker and bring my pan and its assistant come..Luckily I still have them because can save cost for lunch and dinner..But after that, I will boring boring boring till the nite le..then, sleeping ...It had been being as the same procedure for the last few days..Haiz...Like MP, it become my program decision le...Heheh..Hmm..luckily it already arrive to thursday le..I think just wait till two more days then most of my friends coming back le..then sure not that bored le..hehe..Last day which is 14/10/09, the result come out le..Some of my friend were satisfied to them result; some dont..For me, I also dun satisfied..the result for previous sem was worst ever result compare to my second sem in foundation..haiz..what to do...Now cant change anything le..hmm..congratulation for all my friend who get a good result, but for whom get worse de also dun give up o...keep forward..lets make it better for the next sem..
During this sem break, I also got kept thinking of my Ex..Eva...